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Daily Schedule

For both the full-time and part-time programs, your child’s day will be filled with rich and meaningful explorations of the natural world around them.  Through our eclectic style of teaching and learning, we use the interests of the children and teachers to guide the development of our curriculum – using the provocations and questions provided by the children as well as the natural world to guide our investigations.  It is through this play-based and emerging curriculum that we feel your child’s emotional, social, cognitive, creative, and physical development can blossom.
A sample of a typical full-day schedule is below.  

6:30  –  8:00    Early drop-off, breakfast, environment care and material exploration
8:00  –  8:30    Arrival and self-selected activities
8:30  –  8:45    Group Gathering – music, introduction to new concepts and available activities
8:45  –  9:45    Exploration Time (both teacher-directed and child-initiated in indoor and outdoor classrooms)
9:45  –  10:00  Clean-up/pause day’s projects, toileting, hand washing
10:00 – 10:20  Morning snack and conversations
10:20 – 11:20  Exploration Time #2 (Outdoors)
11:20 – 11:35  Clean-up, toileting, hand washing
11:35 – 12:05  Lunch and conversations
12:05 – 12:25  Group Gathering #2 – (reflecting on the day’s activities and making plans for afternoon)
12:25 – 12:35  Toileting, hand washing
12:35 – 1:00    Book reading/storytelling
1:00  –  3:00    Rest Time 
3:00  –  3:20    Waking up, toileting, handwashing
3:20  –  3:40    Afternoon snack and conversations
3:40  –  4:10    Exploration Time #3 (Outdoors)
4:10  –  4:20    Clean-up
4:20  –  4:30    Group Gathering #3 – (reflecting on the day’s activities and making plans for tomorrow)
4:30  –  5:00    Dismissal – journaling/book reading/storytelling while families pick-up child
5:00  –  6:00    Extended pick-up time, finishing day’s projects, environment care

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